The piñata was first recognised in Spain and then later brought to Mexico in the early 16thcentury. It was used to attract converts at their ceremonies. The piñatas were a clay pot decorated with feathers attached to a pole in a temple. It was seen as an offering to the feet of the god’s image when the treasures fell from the piñata. The treasures were released by the force of someone hitting the piñata with a stick.
The blindfold was later introduced by the Mayans. The piñata was also used “to attract converts to their religion.” They did not use feathers, instead it was decorated with coloured paper. The Mayans believed the piñata was symbol of the devil. Most piñatas were made with seven points to symbolise the “seven deadly sins, greed, gluttony, sloth, pride, envy, wrath and lust”. The treasures inside the piñatas were seen a reward for keeping their religious faith.
Traditional Mexican piñatas are clay pots decorated with coloured paper, ribbon and tinsel. They were filled with lollies, confetti and fruit. They were used at birthday parties, fiestas and Christmas celebrations. Children would take turns at hitting the pinata with a stick as they sang the pinata song. “Dale, dale, no pierdas el tino, porque si lo pierdes, pierdes el camino” or in English “Hit it, hit it, hit it don’t let your aim go astray, because if you lose it, you lose your way.”
Once the piñata released its treasures the children rush in to collect as many lollies or fruit as they could.
Today the piñata is a symbol of entertainment and is used all around the world. At Fiesta our piñatas are colourful donkeys filled with delicious lollies awaiting to be released.
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